Creating BLE GATT Server (UART Service) on Raspberry Pi

In this post, I will create BLE GATT server on Raspberry Pi 3 using BlueZ dbus interface with Python. I will reuse BlueZ example code as much as possible. As an example of GATT service, I’ll create UART service (a.k.a. Nordic UART Service/NUS [1] ), so that I can test it with Nordic’s smartphone app… Continue reading “Creating BLE GATT Server (UART Service) on Raspberry Pi”

Enabling Background BLE Scanning on iPhone

A previous post shows how to create a simple BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) scanner app for iPhone. The app can detect BLE devices while the app is in foreground. The goal of this post is to create an app that scans even it goes to the background.   Prerequisites (parentheses indicate my environment) Xcode (10.0) ruining on Mac… Continue reading “Enabling Background BLE Scanning on iPhone”

Creating a Simple BLE Scanner on iPhone

Here are steps to create a simple BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) scanner app for iPhone (for my own learning purpose). The goal is to enable below features. Scan for all advertising devices around. Print the device name, RSSI (signal strength), and advertising data [1] for each discovered device in the debug console output [2]. * It… Continue reading “Creating a Simple BLE Scanner on iPhone”

Running BLE GATT Server Example on Raspbian Stretch

The purpose of this post is to run an example code of Bluetooth Low Energy GATT server from BlueZ source code on Raspberry Pi. Here are the contents of this post. Contents – Assumptions – Steps 1. Download Example Code 2. Execute Example Code 3. Install Requisite 4. Start Advertising BLE 5. Verify – Reference… Continue reading “Running BLE GATT Server Example on Raspbian Stretch”

Creating Bluetooth Beacon with Raspberry Pi by using Bluetooth Developer Studio

This post shows how to make a Raspberry Pi a Bluetooth Beacon by using Bluetooth Developer Studio and its Beacon plugin. Bluetooth Developer Studio is a free application development tool from Bluetooth SIG and with Beacon plugin, it generates a script file which makes a Raspberry Pi a Bluetooth beacon. The steps below basically follow a… Continue reading “Creating Bluetooth Beacon with Raspberry Pi by using Bluetooth Developer Studio”