Controlling LEDs with Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins

Controlling LED on Raspberry Pi is pretty easy. This post shows how to turn ON/OFF LEDs using Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins with Python.   Setup (parentheses indicate my environment) Raspberry Pi board (Raspberry Pi3 B+) running Raspbian OS (Stretch with Desktop Nov. 2018 ver) LEDs (Pi Traffic Light) Micro USB cable for power supply   Steps… Continue reading “Controlling LEDs with Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins”

Deploying existing Django App to Heroku

Heroku’s free plan is great for experimenting/prototyping cloud applications. This post shows the steps to deploy existing Django project to Heroku cloud platform using Windows host. As an example, I’ll use this django app from GitHub and deploy it to Heroku. Here is the list of contents of this post. Contents – Steps 1. Setup Python… Continue reading “Deploying existing Django App to Heroku”