By enabling SSH, you can access Raspberry Pi remotely. For security, you should change login password If you enable SSH. Here is the steps.
1. Enable SSH
1-1. Launch raspi-config
sudo raspi-config
1-2. Select “Interfacing Options”.
1-3. Select “SSH”, and “Yes”.
1-4. Then, exit raspi-config.
2. Change login password for user ‘pi’
2-1. Type the following command:
2-2. Enter the current password and new password. Then retype the new password.
Changing password for pi. (current) UNIX password: Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully
3. Access from PC
3-1. Check IP address on Raspberry Pi.
Or, alternatively you may be able to figure out the IP address by using the following command on your PC.
arp -a
3-2. Then access from your PC like below (After @ sign will be your Raspberry Pi’s IP address).
ssh pi@