Changing Screen Resolution of Mac OS VirtualBox Guest

The default screen resolution for Mac OS X VirtualBox Guest is 1024×768.
Below shows how to change the screen resolution of Mac OS VirtualBox guest running on Windows 10.



1. Open “Command Prompt”. (press Win + x and select “Command Prompt”)

2. Navigate to VirtualBox folder in which “VBoxManage.exe” resides.

cd C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox

3. Set resolution by typing the command below.

VBoxManage setextradata "High Sierra" VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution 1920x1080

The third parameter (i.e. “High Sierra”) should be your VM name.

4. Start the VM



[1] Fix VirtualBox macOS High Sierra Screen Resolution (1920×1080 – 4K – 5K)



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  1. A simpler method here!

    Start or boot the macOS guest OS.

    1. In VMWare menu, click the “VM” and select “Settings…”
    2. Under “Hardware” tab select “Display” and under the “Display scaling” uncheck the “Automatically adjust user interface size in the virtual machine”:

    Note: it is important that your guest OS is booted or else the “Automatically adjust user interface size in the virtual machine” option will not be available.

    More details can be found here-

  2. Thanks, well working 🙂

    3. Set resolution by typing the command below.
    VBoxManage setextradata “BigSur” VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution 1600x900x32

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